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Togetherness In a Time Of Distancing

Apr 3, 2020

Dear friends, family, fellow readers,

Just when we need each other the most, we're advised to "keep your distance." It's the best thing we can do for each other, but it feels terrible. Human beings are social animals. We live in a variety of communities-- families, villages, cities, state, countries, and now one world with one horrible common challenge. A pandemic.

When it's all said and done, it'll be interesting to see what we've learned. I'm an optimist. I think we're on the road to understanding why isolation feels terrible. People need people. It's out of that need that we're able to show kindness, offer forgiveness, and give love. This is what universal and truly timeless stories are about.

We're sad when we're physically separated from our loved ones, whether the separation is temporary or forever, at least in this world. On my Facebook page I've posted a video tribute to my brother-in-law, who died last weekend. My nephew put it together, and through the images and the music made by young family members we're sharing a glimpse of Lakota tradition. The cemetery is simple. The church below the hill is the site of countless Eagle funerals, but also the place where my husband and I were joyfully married. I see the circle of life here. https://www.facebook.com/kathleen.eagle1

This summer I'll teach an online writing class through the Loft Literary Center. I've taught there in person for many years, but the online class will be a new challenge for me. At times like this we need to adapt, and we're lucky to be able to get together on the amazing www while we "keep our distance." If you like to read e-books, here's a good $.99 deal for you: RIDE A PAINTED PONY. There's an excerpt on www.kathleeneagle.com Available through your favorite e-book shops, including Amazon: http://tinyurl.com/RAPP2

Please be well while you tend your home and family. And take time for yourself. Enjoy lots of good stories.

My best to you always,