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March News From Kathleen Eagle

Mar 7, 2005

Hello, dear reader.

Man, oh, man, it was like springtime in Minnesota today.
At 40 degrees or higher (that's F.) we Minnesotans are
outside in shirtsleeves watching the snow melt. We know
March is traditionally our snowiest month, but today was a
spring teaser--loved it!

And March is also good news month for my readers. NIGHT
FALLS LIKE SILK is finally available in affordable
paperback. If your bookstore doesn't have it yet, do me a
favor--tell them to order up. I hope you enjoy this sequel
to THE NIGHT REMEMBERS, which should also be available at
your bookstore.

I'm finally getting my website updated. I do it myself,
and I've been up to my ears in grandchildren lately. I
love them to pieces, but try to write a book with a
2-year-old and a 1-year-old underfoot, not to mention their
fathers. BUT my September book, A VIEW OF THE RIVER, is
done and in and good (if I do say so). VERY excited about

One of several new features on the web site is a set of
discussion questions for NIGHT FALLS LIKE SILK. They were
prepared by reader/teacher/writer Carol Leuchovius. She
did an excellent job, and I think readers and reader groups
will have some fun with them. I do hope you'll visit my web
site when you have a moment--www.kathleeneagle.com. You'll
find a couple of new links on the links page, not to
mention a few new pictures. And more to come!

Happy Spring!
Kathleen Eagle